Wednesday, 31 October 2012

mac mini, how do I xxxx thee? Let me count the ways...

In case, like me, you put a CD/DVD into your mac mini and it doesn't appear on the desk top, to eject follow this simple set of instructions...
  1. Search internet for help
  2. Try opening itunes to see if you can eject from there
  3. Try opening a terminal and typing "drutil tray eject"
  4. Try restarting computer holding down the mouse button
  5. Try the above another couple of times, just in case
  6. Try restarting the computer holding down the option key (I might be wrong but I think the 'option' key is the one with 'alt' written on it) when you see the startup selection screen, press eject key on the keyboard (if you have one)
  7. Repeat the above a couple of times 
  8. Try restarting the computer holding down the key combination... Command-Option-O-F (the command key, might be the one with the apple logo on it)
  9. Try the above a couple of times, try holding down the keys, try repeatedly pressing them, if you ever see a command prompt on the screen you've found the Open Firmware prompt, try typing in "eject cd"
  10. Try restarting your computer and doing nothing at all for 15 mins, you never know, magic might happen, it might just eject itself
  11. Admit defeat, there is no software related way of getting your CD back.
  12. Unplug the computer, leave it for a coule of mins, turn it over and using a kitchen knife pry the casing away from the base
  13. Ease the casing off the computer, the CD housing is at the top, remove the four screws holding the top of the CD case in place and slide out your CD
  14. Replace the screws 
  15. Replace the casing 
  16. Plug in everything and turn back on, job done, I can now return the CD to the library  
  17. At this point I'm not sure if i should put an unwanted disk into the mac, to ensure I never put something I actually need in there again. Maybe something that humanity would be better off without, like Sex in the City 2?

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Note: the opinions on this page don't represent that of my employer in anyway. And, actually only vaguely represent my opinions on the date of publication. (Unlike Ms T, I am very much for turning)