Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Good bye browser matrix...

Is it time to just say "So long, and thanks for all the fish" to the browser matrix?

The browser matrix was quite handy in days of yor, when browsers worked in quite fundamentally different ways from each other (remember NS4 vis IE4?). Nice then to just pick a couple of browsers to support, you couldn't really expect your site to work on anything that you hadn't tested it on anyway.

So why don't we need it anymore?
Well, for a start if your using progressive enhancement you could expect your site will work on any user-agent that understands HTML. In which case what does "Support" actually mean? The notion that a website supports a specific browser OS combination is an old school way of looking at the web.

What's really the problem with saying that a site supports a particular browser though?
Well, let's look at what we really want from our website in the first place, we put our site up on the Internet, it's available to anyone, so we want it to work as well as possible, on as many user-agents as possible.

How should we achieve this?
The browser matrix method encourages developers to adopt a blinkered approach, we ask developers to build a site that works on browsers A, B and C. They build it using A and then debug on B and C, job done.

So where does that leave users of browser D?
Testers don't check browser D because its not on the matrix and any bugs that do get raised by users get rejected as "Unsupported user-agent" for the same reason. So, over time the browser matrix is a self for filling prophecy, the site will only work on browsers A, B and C.
There is another interesting aspect though, the notion of a browser being "Supported" changes the responsibility of the developer, if browser C has a bug in it that results in a visual formatting issue, the fact that the problem is a bug in the browser is irrelevant, because browser C is supported the developer has to accommodate the bug in the website, this means hacks and work-a-rounds in the code. The result of which means the more supported browsers in the matrix the more bloated your site gets as more and more browser bugs get accommodated for.

So what's the alternative?
The best alternative to having a browser matrix, is to NOT have a browser matrix!

Let's look at a scenario; we ask our developer to build the site to work on a text only browser, and give them a visual design or two of how the site should look on a desktop browser. The developer makes semantic, working HTML and enhances it to match the visual design, not having a matrix to work from the developer checks the enhanced look and feel on the browsers they have on their machine, likely the latest versions of the main browsers, the developer then hands the site over to testing.

The testers, without a browser matrix to follow, will start testing the site, they are likely to check the analytics of the site, or of a similar site, to see what user-agents people are using and organise their test effort accordingly, as well as that, they will test on any user-agent they have to hand, they can't help them selves!

Other people in the company will also raise bugs as the user-agent they are using is no longer "Unsupported".

Okay, so we have anarchy!
Our developer has loads of bugs assigned against the UI, how do we handle them all?

In actual fact, it's quite easy, bugs can be prioritised quite quickly by assessing a number of factors:

* What is the impact of the bug to the user? (is it a show stopper?)
* What is the frequency of the effected user-agent? (is it a high frequency browser?)
* How easy is it to fix
* What is the negative impact of fixing the bug? (e.g. do you have to introduce code forking?)

For example; bugs come in around visual layout in IE6, impact on users is fairly high, it's a high frequency browser, easy to fix and impact on other browsers is nil as we can fix issues using conditional comments for IE6 only, these can be done ASAP. So basic common sense really!

In the end the simple fact that more issues are know about will help and the site get better over time, since it won't get held back by the existence of a Browser Matrix.

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Note: the opinions on this page don't represent that of my employer in anyway. And, actually only vaguely represent my opinions on the date of publication. (Unlike Ms T, I am very much for turning)