Wednesday, 23 December 2009

hasLayout problems after all these years

Having terrible trouble with all version of IE trying to get some peekaboo text to stay put. In this scenario a div was not paying ball at all, after setting hasLayout on pretty much every element in the entire page I realised that the system was outputting HTML without a DTD, dogh, I feel like i've just called tech support to complain about not being able to print, only to find out that the cleaner unplugged the printer.

Note to self, always check the most obvious thing first!

In IE7 I have a normal input type = button which as the behaviour that when you scroll the text in the button gets visually corrupted. So very slowly scrolling the button into view will wipe the text and the button will appear empty. The offending button is fine in IE6 and IE8, I was tempted to ignore this and mark it down as a bug in the browser but weakened and decided to fix it.

After tinkering with the CSS for a while I couldn't find any hack/fix for this issue, setting the writing-mode style to top to bottom, did fix it but didn't think having the button text written out vertically would go down well!

In the end....

window.attachEvent ('onscroll', function(){
// layout fix for IE7 disappearing text, element has layout so resorting to this madness!
document.getElementById('buttonMoreSections').style.backgroundColor=(document.documentElement.scrollTop % 2)? '#fff':'white';

total MADNESS !

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Image Replacement, but only if images are enabled

The fact that you don't know whether the user has images enabled or not is a real problem with image replacement. You can't hide the existing text if images are disabled as the user will just end up with nothing, the standard way to handle this problem is to keep the text visible and have an image bigger than the text and place the image over the text, if the user doesn't have images they will still see the text. This is only ok if your replacing a header where the image is bigger than the text, but no good for any small images like icons where the text is always going to be bigger.

One way round this is to only add images if your sure the user has images enabled and to keep the text in the HTML flow for screen reader users.

One way of testing for images is to use JavaScript and set a class name on the HTML element if image are enabled/supported, then you can apply styles based on the existence of this class name, using this technique you'll only do image replacement if the user has JavaScript, CSS and Images enabled which is a good thing. If the user doesn't have any of these three you probably don't want to mess with the UI at all.

See the image replacement test page for some uses.


Note: the opinions on this page don't represent that of my employer in anyway. And, actually only vaguely represent my opinions on the date of publication. (Unlike Ms T, I am very much for turning)